Review & Giveaway - Before You by Kathryn Freeman

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 7th June 2016
Publisher: Choc Lit
When life in the fast lane threatens to implode …
Melanie Hunt’s job working for the Delta racing team means she is constantly rubbing shoulders with Formula One superstars in glamorous locations like Monte Carlo. But she has already learned that keeping a professional distance is crucial if she doesn’t want to get hurt.
New Delta team driver Aiden Foster lives his life like he drives his cars – fast and hard. But, no matter how successful he is, it seems he always falls short of his championship-winning father’s legacy. If he could just stay focused, he could finally make that win.
Resolve begins to slip as Melanie and Aiden find themselves drawn to each other –with nowhere to hide as racing season begins. But when a troubled young boy goes missing, everything is thrown into turmoil, including Aiden’s championship dream.
My Review
I have a confession - I don't like Formula One. There, I said it. However, I loved this book! I figured if I gave Tom Cruise a chance to win me over to the car side in Days of Thunder (because, hello, Tom Cruise!) then surely I should give this book a chance, especially as I've enjoyed books by this Publisher. Kathryn Freeman, you won me over big time.
Yes there's cars and racing and mechanics. But also the author created brilliant characterisation and a story to keep you hooked.
Melanie Hunt is no pushover in the male dominated world of motor sport. Which is fortunate as she needs to keep her cool with new driver, Aiden. Aiden isn't only chasing a win - he's chasing his demons. Tired of being compared to his father, Aiden plays up to his life in the fast lane reputation and it's Melanie's job to keep him on track.
Melanie makes Aiden face up to his past, his responsibilities and has to avoid getting hurt in the process. Not easy when they find it hard to stay away from each other.
What made this book a winner for me, conflict and emotion aside, was the authors voice. The dialogue is witty and fresh. The characters you will fall in love with. A fab story and an author I want to read more of. Brilliant!
5 Butterfly Rating!

I was born in Wallingford but have spent most of my life living in a village outside Windsor. A former pharmacist, I’m now a medical writer who also loves to write romance. Some days a racing heart is a medical condition, others it’s the reaction to a hunky hero…
I’ve two teenage boys and a husband who asks every Valentine’s Day whether he has to bother buying a card again this year (yes, he does) so the romance in my life is all in my head. Then again, my husband’s unstinting support of my career change goes to prove that love isn't always about hearts and flowers - and heroes can come in many disguises.
Twitter: @kathrynfreeman1

A paperback copy of Search for the Truth (open internationally)

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